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Angelica [a.k.a. Angie, Furball, Angelface;
formerly Emily]

There's a bit of story common to both Leopold and Angelica that is recorded only on Leopold's page.

Angelica was caled Emily by her previous owners and I let that stay until I got to know her. I thnk Angelica fits her better.

I used Paint Shop Pro to edit out the red-eye reflection in Angelica's eyes caused by the camera's flash. It's not quite as clean a job as I would prefer, but it works. ..


Below is a photo of Angelica and Benjamin sharing my lap. Ben came along while Angelica was sleeping in my lap where he was accustomed to sleeping. He curled up half on the arm of the chair and half on my stomach. His head is in the foreground of the picture and Angie is behind Benjamin as they lay back to back.

So, Angie was sleeping in my lap, but I set her on the floor to go to the kitchen to refill my glass of Ovaltine. When I got back to the recliner she had made herself comfortable without me.

On another occassion I had both Leopold and Angie sleeping in my lap when I had to go to the kitchen. Same as above, when I got back to my chair I found it taken by both of them. This is another one of those shots that make me really glad I helped keep these two together. They're very good friends who are very close to each other. It would have been tragic to have split them up.

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Copyright © 2008–2011 Patrick L. Hagerty