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Jacque's Cats III


Jacque has this to say about her Jasmine:

"Jasmine is a beautiful throw-away I took in last fall with her two remaining kittens. The other two kittens had been killed, one by a dog, the other by a bath from a 3-year-old. This lady is a real sweetie to me, but she doesn't like other animals at all, neither dogs or cats, so she does a lot of growling and hissing around my house. Poor thing."


About Max and Felix:

"Jasmine's kittens who are almost exactly identical. Max is on the left with a purple collar on. I got the collar because I couldn't tell them apart as little kittens. As they've gotten older Felix's "toupee" has lightened a bit so I can tell them apart that way. They are both wonderful, loving kittens (about 9 months old) and the only difference I know of is Max's slightly darker "toupee" and the fact that Max is a major chow-hound! Since they weighed in at just over 9 pounds when they were 7 months old I expect they will be big boys when they're grown."



"Here's a more current picture of my most wonderful baby Chloe, the joy of my life. She is so full of enthusiasm for living and she's also a real kook! She's still under 1 year old, but she's turning into a beautiful young lady."


Max and BC:

"BC which stands for Bitch Cat, but it no longer applies because she turned out to be a real sweetheart too. She's with Max."


Wreathed BC:

"This picture shows BC again in a Christmas wreath. This one was just too cute to pass up."


Sarah and Rocky:

"Last picture is two of my older cats. The black guy is Rocky who is the most loving, sexiest cat alive. He's 11 years old and just sweet as pie. His most recent love is Sarah who I believe has the most incredible coat - not only are the colors unusual and vibrant, but her coat is also amazingly soft like a bunny. If you call Sarah by her nickname, Pretty, she'll wag her tail back and forth like crazy."


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